Monday, September 21, 2009


Molly has enough neck control to sit in her Bumbo chair. This was her first time and she seemed to really enjoy it!

Checking out what Blue was doing.

Enjoying the view.

Molly Cool

Enjoying the California sun at Delaney's soccer game.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Visiting the Aidi's

Stopping by to say hi to Joyce and baby Lilly. Lilly was very interested in Molly.

Doctor's Visit

Molly had her two month doctors visit and here are the stats. She weight in at a whopping 12lbs., 12oz, is 22 inches long and has a head circumference of 15 1/4". The doctor said she is very healthy and is reaching all of her milestones. Good job Molly!!

Unfortunately, this visit required immunizations, one oral and three shots! Although Molly was not happy, she rebounded pretty quickly and promptly fell asleep before I even wheeled out to the waiting room. What a trooper!

Towel Time

Drying off after bath time with the adorable towel Casey sent. Thanks Casey!

Sitting in Boppy Series

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Maura's Pictures

The little Houdini - look at those fingers peeking out.
Andy's oldest, Ana, with Molly.
Andy's girls holding an unhappy Molly.
The lengths Maura had to go to for a visit.

Molly Smiling!

Maura did it! She captured Molly turning on the charm.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Gal About Town

Meeting all the Avalanche at Delaney's start of soccer season party.

Hanging out in Buffalo Exchange with Dad.

Checking out the new fiction with Mommy at Moe's while Dad and Delaney shop at Ameoba Records.

Seven Weeks

Look how big she's getting!

Thanking Jan and Lana for making us dinner while wearing the onesie Aggie made for her.

Climbing Mount Blue.

Watch out, this mountain licks.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sara's Gift

This beautiful blanket was handmade for Molly by our neighbor Sara. Here is Molly with Sara, the blanket, and Blue looking on as always.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Meeting Her Aunts!

I almost forgot to add this picture of Molly with Maura's disgusting leg injury. Sadly Katie has the picture of Maura in the wheelchair at the airport!

Maura and Kate came from NY for a week and we had a great time. Molly loved spending time with her aunts and mommy loved having time to shower every day!

Enjoying time with Aunt Maura and Aunt Kate.

The buddha baby!
Talking with Aunt Kate.

Too Cute

Molly is getting so big! She turned seven weeks old today and is moving around like crazy. She can hold her head up pretty well and has been tracking movement for a while. She also rolled over on her side for the first time a few days ago, pretty impressive for such a little tyke.
As you can see, she is also growing rapidly and eating up a storm. I was having some difficulty breastfeeding initially, but we have found our groove and she is thriving. I am so glad I stuck with it. She is also smiling up a storm, but will not let anyone catch it on film. Maura, Kate and I have been trying, but she seems to sense the camera around. I'll get her eventually.

In cousin Doreen's adorable outfit.

Sleeping on her boppy pillow.

First Time in SF

This was Molly's first time in San Francisco and her first time meeting Andy and his girls.

The girls built her a "stuffy", a safe area for her to nap undisturbed.