Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Trip to New York

We returned home after almost three weeks in New York. It was a great trip that took us from New York City to Orient Point and many stops in between. Molly had a great time hanging out with her extended family. She loved the pool and the beach and even started walking on the trip so it was a pretty exciting time.
Reading with Cousin Lilah and Aunt Kate.
Playing in Finn and Lilah's playhouse which, sadly, has an evil troll living inside.
Finn showing us where the burgers go, a future griller.
Molly had a great time in the playhouse.
She also got to meet the Speciale family and they got along famously.
Here she is with cousin Connor playing in Nana and Pops backyard sandbox.
Cousin Aiden also had a ball.
Things started getting a little silly and Aiden crawled through the cat door.
Then Darby and Delaney arrived and we headed into Times Square. Here we are riding the 60 ft. ferris wheel in the enormous Toys 'R Us store, it was pretty cool.
Later, we met up with Jeannie, Katie, Maura and Emily in front of Bryant Park for dinner and a softball game.
A quick shot before Katie's softball game. Shortly after this picture we had to run to the subway to avoid a torrential downpour. Thankfully the rain stopped by the time we got back to Katie's apartment in the East Village. We had a sleepover which included Darby sleeping on an inflatable mattress in the kitchen, it was a packed house!
Playing with cousins Lilah and Finn in Orient.
Story time with Aunt Kate. Lilah's favorite was Humpty Dumpty.
The cousins got a lot of time to play together which basically meant making a mess all over the house.
The favorite game by far was bouncy bed. It consisted of putting the kids on a slightly deflated air mattress and shaking it around while chanting "bouncy bed, bouncy bed." It was a huge hit!
Chewing the fat with her godfather Uncle Luke during a bocce ball tournament.
More cousins time!
For some reason Molly loved this chair and spent a long time sitting and playing in it.
My parents bought this awesome picnic table for the twins on the way out to Orient and it was a huge hit the whole week. Of course Molly used it primarily to stalk Finn's food plate and pilfer what she wanted. Poor Finn was a bit confused as to what to do and didn't put up much of a fight.
More fun reading time with Uncle Dan.
A hungry seagull put on an exciting show and the kids had front row seats.
A lovely parting shot. It was a great trip and I was so sad to leave but it was great to get home and see Daddy. Can't wait until next year!