Monday, September 27, 2010

Nana and Pops Visit!

We had another wonderful visit from my parents last week. Although it was a short one this time, it was so much fun to spend time with Nana and Pops and I know Molly misses them.
Having a great time with Nana and Pops at the Oakland Zoo. Molly loved the animals especially the monkeys. A few of them put on quite a show for us screaming and swinging from tree to tree and Molly was mesmerized.
Molly still loves to point at everything and now usually says "woo woo" looking adorable while making an "O" shape with her mouth as she waves her hand around excitedly.
Molly is quite the little lover and gave the goats in the petting zoo a kiss hello. She also kissed the boy next to her which his mother loved. She is such a sweet, loving little girl!
Molly also loves to share. She walked around picking up pieces of hay and distributing them to the other kids and parents in the barn. She even tried to share with the goat, but he wasn't interested.
She was having such a good time kissing and sharing hay that she didn't seem to notice these two goats when they started ramming each other. Good thing Nana was on the case and quickly whisked Molly away to safer hay stacks.
We also spent a great day at Fisherman's Wharf. Molly loved walking around the shops and riding the carousel. She especially loved the sea lions, of course! So we had lunch on the pier in a restaurant overlooking the noisy creatures. It was wonderful.
My folks in front of Alcatraz.

Thanks again Mom and Dad for another wonderful visit. It always goes by too quickly!

Making Friends and Hanging Out

Molly loves sitting in her chair reading these days and she is quite serious about her new hobby.
At least some times! She will sit in her chair for a long time flipping through books while pointing, talking and sometimes full out laughing.
She is also somewhat of a celebrity at John's school, especially during recess.
The kids love to swarm around her and everyone wants a chance to play with her on the play structure.
She even gets some time at Delaney's soccer games to hang out with fellow little sister and good friend Billie. They have a great time together and John and I love to actually get to watch the game!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

In Memory of Grandpa George

Colonel George T. Pitts passed away on Saturday, September 11, 2010. Thankfully John was able to make it to his bedside before he passed. I am so thankful that we were able to see him in April and that he met Molly and she got to meet him. Rest in peace George, you will be missed.