Sunday, May 29, 2011

Italy - March 2011

I know I have been very bad about posting for the past six months, but I have had computer memory problems for a while and it made looking at and posting pictures a laborious nightmare. I have finally taken care of the problem somewhat and hope that I will be back on track soon. I do have an enormous back log of photos to post but hopefully I'll get on the ball and be caught up in the next few weeks.

Anyway this is our glorious trip to Florence, Italy in March. Molly and I went for two weeks and John, Darby and Delaney met us for the second. We were joined by Katie and Maura as well as my mother's childhood friend Jean and her daughter Erin. It was a glorious trip and we all had a glorious time. No one more so than Molly!
Molly had a great time cavorting around the city with Nana and Pops while John, Delaney and I got to actually enjoy museums without being rushed. In true teenager style, Darby chose to sleep in most mornings and joined us for our afternoon jaunts.
Getting an architecture lecture from her favorite tour guide, Pops.

Needless to say, Molly loved all the food Italy had to offer and often sampled from everyone's plate. I was surprised at how nice everyone was to Molly, she got gifts from waitresses and street vendors and caused quite a stir in her cape and hat.

Checking out what the street vendors had to offer in Florence.
I think this was the only street vendor who wasn't a fan of Molly's. We took a side trip to San Gimingano, an amazing walled city outside of Florence and Molly started taking out all the kids chairs from under his table to try them out. People were stopping to watch her and she started forming quite a crown. Eventually the vendor, who was not amused that no one was looking at his cheap wares, came out and put all chairs back, making it clear that he did not want us to sample any more chairs!
Sparring with Aunt Kate while waiting for the bus to take us back to Florence.
Enjoying a quick bite in Pop's favorite square in between adventures.
On our way to the top of the Duomo!

Sadly, the town imbecile camped outside our apartment and tried to gain access to our building!
Checking out Trevoli Fountain in Rome.
Cleaning up after breakfast at the apartment.
It just so happened that we were in Italy during the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy so there were incredible celebrations and parades and all the town squares were lit u in green, white and red. It was an amazing experience.

Delaney made a friend at the Boboli Gardens in the Pitti Palace.
Goofing around with Dad on a wall in the garden.

One of the many amazing meals we enjoyed on our trip.
Goofing around with Pops as usual!

On the way to the top of the Tower adjacent to The Duomo.
Enjoying a beautiful day at The Coliseum in Rome on our final day.
A parting family shot.

It was an incredible trip for everyone and we owe a huge debt of thanks to my parents for putting us up during our stay. Your unending generosity never ceases to amaze me!

Aargh! Just realized all these pictures are small even though I have the settings on large. I am going to try to reformat it, but there is no way I am going back to upload them all again considering how much work I have left! Sorry.