Saturday, August 22, 2009

Time With Dad

Wearing a serious face with Daddy

This ain't the summer of love

Checking Out Her Presents

Looking at and trying on her presents from cousin Doreen Donohue. Thanks Doreen!


Where does she get this from?

Visiting With Friends

Spending time with Kathy and Marty

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Many Faces of Molly

Just a few of the many faces Molly makes.

Molly's Name

A lot of people have asked about Molly's name. Molly came from my great grandmother on my mothers side. She was from Tipperary and her name was actually Mary, but she was known as Molly. Shea was John's suggestion in honor of the old home of the Mets. I wanted Molly with no middle name and John wanted Shea. It wasn't until the delivery room when John suggested Molly Shea and I loved it! It was the perfect name for our new little girl.

Derek and Jenny's Visit

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

In Molly's Grip

Molly has been practicing her grip lately. Here are a few times we caught on camera.

All Dressed Up

Ready to go to her first dinner party at Michael and Amy's house. She is wearing one of the adorable outfits that Alex sent. Thanks Alex!

Male Pattern Baldness

Molly has been diagnosed with something referred to as male pattern baldness. A team of doctors is dumbfounded as to how a seemingly healthy one month old girl is suffering from an ailment that usually affects men in their early forties. The condition usually stems from the mothers side and can be traced back to her father. One theory is that Molly misses Pops so much that she wanted to look like him. Doctors warned that if left untreated, it could progress to hair growth in the nose and ears.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Fight the Power!

Love the smirk on her face in this one.

Exercising Her Lungs

Hanging With Delaney

Playing with the gift from Nana and Pops after their visit to Muir Woods.

Monday, August 3, 2009

First Bath

Although you can't tell from the pictures, Molly really liked her first bath and didn't cry until we took her out.

Some of Our Favorite Poses

Meeting The Family

Meeting her big sister Delaney and her big brother Darby.

Meeting Pops and Nana

And, of course, meeting Blue

All Cleaned Up

This was about an hour or so after she was born and after her first bath. She looks so small in Papa's arms.

She Has Arrived!

On Wednesday, July 15, 2009 at 5:34 am, we welcomed Molly Shea Pitts into the world. She weighed in at 7 lbs., 9 oz., was 19 inches long with a 13.5 inch head circumference.

Since my water broke, but I wasn't having contractions I needed to be induced. After fifteen hours without consistent contractions, I finally agreed to go on Pitocin. That did the trick immediately and after almost 3 1/2 hours of intense contractions and 15 minutes of pushing (that felt like 15 hours!), Molly was here. I was sad that I needed to be induced, but happy that I didn't have an epidural or any pain medication.

This picture is about fifteen minutes after she was born. Since her head and first shoulder came out okay John was able to deliver her the rest of the way and help the midwife put her on my belly.