Monday, August 3, 2009

She Has Arrived!

On Wednesday, July 15, 2009 at 5:34 am, we welcomed Molly Shea Pitts into the world. She weighed in at 7 lbs., 9 oz., was 19 inches long with a 13.5 inch head circumference.

Since my water broke, but I wasn't having contractions I needed to be induced. After fifteen hours without consistent contractions, I finally agreed to go on Pitocin. That did the trick immediately and after almost 3 1/2 hours of intense contractions and 15 minutes of pushing (that felt like 15 hours!), Molly was here. I was sad that I needed to be induced, but happy that I didn't have an epidural or any pain medication.

This picture is about fifteen minutes after she was born. Since her head and first shoulder came out okay John was able to deliver her the rest of the way and help the midwife put her on my belly.

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