Monday, January 25, 2010

A Great Weekend

We had a great weekend and spent a lot of time together. We spent Saturday at the Van's outlet and found some great deals. We also found a Fenton's Creamery on the way home. Yum!
We had fun despite the rain and Delaney even spotted a rainbow.

Molly had a good time, as always and was really yucking it up at Fenton's
We spent Sunday at the Legion of Honor and saw a cool mummy exhibit. A woman came up to me and said that Molly was the most beautiful work of art in the museum. I, of course, agreed.
The Family Pitts and "The Thinker".
The museum is right by the water near the Golden Gate Bridge and the views were beautiful.
The height of goofiness.
Here is Molly playing with her "pat mat" that Delaney made with a ziploc bag, water, cut up sponges and food coloring. All in all, it was a great weekend and a good time was had by all.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Out and About with Molly

Molly still likes hanging out with friends, like our neighbor Verna.
But now she also enjoys tasting everything she can get her mouth around...
sitting up on her own...
and grabbing anything and everything within reach of her pudgy little fingers.
Of course, chilling with Dad and Blue dog is always fun,
and Molly is always up for a good time!

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Now that Molly is six months old, it is time to start her on solids. Since she is a good Irish girl, her first taste of food was Nana's Irish Potato Soup. Tasty, yes, but not the best option for an infant so we bought a food processor and tried out some other stuff.
She really likes avocados. Here she is after her first taste.
Butternut squash is another favorite. Of course Blue wants to get in on the action and loves when Molly doesn't finish her food.
Molly doesn't like to be a bystander and insists on feeding herself. A messy undertaking for sure, but she won't have it any other way.
Molly also loves using this little bag to feed herself. She sucks the food through mesh so there is no risk of choking. So far she likes carrots also, but is not a fan of peas.

Six Months Old!

It is hard to believe, but Molly is actually six months old!
Here she is at her six month appointment. She weighed in at 17 lbs., 14 oz. which was shocking, we all thought she'd be at least 19. Of course carrying her around in the Baby Bjorn might make her seem heavier. She is 26 inches long and her head circumference is 16.5 inches.

The doctor said Molly is right on track and very healthy. She was impressed when Molly showed off her new skill of sitting up unassisted. I was very proud of Molly during her immunizations, she took it like a champ and cried for a little while and then recovered quickly with just a hug and a kiss from mom. Way to go Molly!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Trip to New York

We had a great time in New York over the holidays. John stayed one week before heading back to work and Molly and I got to stay an extra week. Molly had a ton of firsts, including cutting two teeth, and met a lot of friends and family.
Molly hanging out at the airport walkway. So much for her to explore!
Molly was great on the plane! She had a lot of fun walking up and down the aisles making friends with other passengers.
Molly always sat on our laps at dinner time so this was her first of many times in her own chair. She loved her new seat at the table.
On the LIRR on the way to Brooklyn. We met up with Chris, Nicole and their boy Emmett who is about six weeks older than Molly and crawling around like a champ.
Me with Emmett and his cool frog.
Enjoying some play time before a nice long walk around the city. Emmett was kind enough to share of one his cool new snowsuits.
Molly loved Emmett's swing and bounced around for a while. Check out those legs!!
Meeting cousin Finn was a lot of fun.
Finn and Lilah rocking the bear hats we gave them for Christmas.
Hanging with Jeannie, Aine and cousin Lilah.
All this partying is exhausting! Catching up on some sleep after reading with daddy.
In the beautiful dress from Aunt Barbara and Uncle Luke
Meeting cousins Lily and Ella who are only six weeks older.
Meeting Great Aunt Barbara and charming everyone at the convent.
Loving the cool snow globe.
Letting it all hang out with Aunt Maura, Nana and Pops.
Heading to Jersey to meet Mark and William.
Partying it up with Donna in her PJ's.
Alex and CJ.
Spawn of Scranton! Alex's son CJ holding Mark's son William, Colleen's son Cole, Donna's Connor holding Alex's Tori, Casey's girls Emily and Chloe, and Mark's daughter Elizabeth holding cousin Molly.
We still got it! The Scranton girls and some of their kids.
Morning time with Nana and Mookie actually hung around.
Saying goodbye to cousin Finn.
Wearing Great Aunt Barbara's hat before leaving for the airport.


The Pitts family Christmas. It was a lot of fun and everyone got great gifts. Then we ate a delicious breakfast and tried out the new Wii Resort games.
Here is Molly enjoying one of her cool new toys. Thanks Johnny and Laura.
It's embarrassing when you pack on a few extra pounds over the holidays, but Molly seems to be taking it in stride.