Thursday, January 21, 2010


Now that Molly is six months old, it is time to start her on solids. Since she is a good Irish girl, her first taste of food was Nana's Irish Potato Soup. Tasty, yes, but not the best option for an infant so we bought a food processor and tried out some other stuff.
She really likes avocados. Here she is after her first taste.
Butternut squash is another favorite. Of course Blue wants to get in on the action and loves when Molly doesn't finish her food.
Molly doesn't like to be a bystander and insists on feeding herself. A messy undertaking for sure, but she won't have it any other way.
Molly also loves using this little bag to feed herself. She sucks the food through mesh so there is no risk of choking. So far she likes carrots also, but is not a fan of peas.

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