Saturday, December 26, 2009

Holiday Events

All dressed up for Daddy's classroom party. Thanks to Amy and Dylan for the beautiful dress.
She was a big hit at the party with Daddy's students and all the parents too. Click on this picture to enlarge and look at her beautiful chunky legs!
A bit surprised at how adorable she looks in her cute hat from James and Katie.
Molly grabs everything these days and usually has her tongue sticking out. Here she is doing both of her favorite new tricks in front of the tree with Delaney.
She loves her big sister's hair and hopes to have some of her own one day.
Enjoying our Christmas dinner party with the Willis' and the Delaney's.
Hanging out with Matt and checking out his hands.
Blue got in the holiday spirit by digging up the grass and showing it off on his snout.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Holiday Fun

Oh no, Molly wears her hats like Aunt Maura! Hopefully that means she'll have a big brain too.
It's time for Christmas cookies! We made sugar cookies and an amazing glaze that was delicious.
Decorating is always the most fun. Here we are with some of our favorites.
We headed over to Tilden Park to ride the holiday carousel and see the Christmas tree and holiday light setup.
This was Molly's first ride and she seemed to really enjoy it. She was smiling and squealing in delight the whole time.
John and Delaney clowning around before the ride started.
In front of the enormous Christmas tree at Tilden.
Pooped out after all the excitement.

Friday, December 4, 2009

New Friends and New Tricks

Molly's first new trick is to sit up, with support, and not fall sideways or forward.
Of course, she loves chewing on a finger or hand while doing this.
This is Molly with her new friend, nine day old Ronan. Congratulations Annaliese and David! Doesn't Molly look gigantic?
Molly's favorite new trick is grabbing both feet with both hands, but it takes some work. Here she is warming up. Check out those beautiful chunky legs!
She's halfway there and loving every minute of it.
Molly likes to makes a lot of noise while attempting this trick.
Success! Molly likes to celebrate by rocking back and forth laughing and squealing in delight.
Molly with new friend and neighbor Emma.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thanksgiving '09

Our sixteen pounder!
Our next door neighbor Verna crotched this beautiful dress for Molly and she finally got the chance to wear it on Thanksgiving. I took Molly for a visit to show Verna how adorable it looks.
Preparations began early on Thanksgiving. We actually made the crust the night before and had a bit extra to make the apple in the middle.
Getting a hand from Delaney.
"Standing" with dad.
Extreme close up.
Enjoying the feast! We had turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, sausage and apple stuffing, asparagus with walnuts and citrus sauce and sesame green beans with lattice topped apple pie and fudge for dessert. Everything was home made and it was all delicious. Mom, if you notice, we used the platter you made to serve the turkey and the gravy boat you bought, thanks!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Few of Molly's Favorite Things

Hanging with Blue dog,
bouncy time,
and staring.

Thanks Elena and Lana for the bouncy, she loves it these days and when she bounces hard enough, music plays and lights flash. Very exciting stuff!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Four Months Old!

It's hard to believe the little one is already four months old, but it's true. She had her four month check up and we are happy to report that all is well with Molly. She weighs in at 15 lbs. 12.5 oz, is 24 inches long and has a head circumference of 16 inches. The doc says she is hitting all of her milestones and is progressing well. Of course she wasn't a fan of her shots, but she was a trooper and only cried for a little bit and then proceeded to sleep for two hours. Keep it up Molly!
Molly's new thing is supporting weight on her legs. She loves to "stand" and does so as much as she can. Eventually she falls down to her knees only to try to pop back up again. She is very proud of herself and seems to enjoy the new view from her feet.

First Shoes

These adorable Converse were a gift from Phil Johnson and are Molly's first shoes.
The shoes were still a bit too big for her feet, but were tight around her fat little legs.
Checking out her cool new kicks.
She was kind of amazed looking at them, they must have felt weird.
Looking up at her big sis.

Fun with Nana and Pops

Chilling out with Nana.
Love this picture of Molly looking at Nana. Look at those pudgy little arms!
Anticipating the delicious meat pie mom made. Poor Molly didn't get any!
Spending time with Pops.

The last picture before heading off to the airport. Molly can't wait to see Nana and Pops again at Christmas.