Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thanksgiving '09

Our sixteen pounder!
Our next door neighbor Verna crotched this beautiful dress for Molly and she finally got the chance to wear it on Thanksgiving. I took Molly for a visit to show Verna how adorable it looks.
Preparations began early on Thanksgiving. We actually made the crust the night before and had a bit extra to make the apple in the middle.
Getting a hand from Delaney.
"Standing" with dad.
Extreme close up.
Enjoying the feast! We had turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, sausage and apple stuffing, asparagus with walnuts and citrus sauce and sesame green beans with lattice topped apple pie and fudge for dessert. Everything was home made and it was all delicious. Mom, if you notice, we used the platter you made to serve the turkey and the gravy boat you bought, thanks!

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