Saturday, December 26, 2009

Holiday Events

All dressed up for Daddy's classroom party. Thanks to Amy and Dylan for the beautiful dress.
She was a big hit at the party with Daddy's students and all the parents too. Click on this picture to enlarge and look at her beautiful chunky legs!
A bit surprised at how adorable she looks in her cute hat from James and Katie.
Molly grabs everything these days and usually has her tongue sticking out. Here she is doing both of her favorite new tricks in front of the tree with Delaney.
She loves her big sister's hair and hopes to have some of her own one day.
Enjoying our Christmas dinner party with the Willis' and the Delaney's.
Hanging out with Matt and checking out his hands.
Blue got in the holiday spirit by digging up the grass and showing it off on his snout.

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