Wednesday, March 3, 2010


We have been enjoying a bunch of visitors here lately. Not only did Aunt Kate and Aunt Maura come, but we even got to see our favorite Jersey Boy Mark Foldy.
We finally got a high chair for Molly now that she is eating solids. Here is Aunt Maura giving it a try.
Molly has taken to solids really well and seems to enjoy all of the food I am making for her.
It was great to see Mark. He stopped over for dinner and a game of cards and Sorry which he won believe it or not.
A quick pic outside of our favorite German restaurant in SF Suppenkuche while waiting for Mark's arrival. On the third try we finally got one where everyones eyes were open!
Foldy was a bad influence on Molly immediately but she, of course, loved him.

At the dog walk park with Molly and Maura on a beautiful day. Can't really see the Golden Gate Bridge in the background, man do I need a new camera.

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