Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Molly Turned Me Into a Zombie

It is hard to express how exhausted we are! Molly has decided not to sleep for more than two to three hours at a time and outlaw napping entirely for almost a month. At first it was manageable, but now it's really starting to get to us. John has even slept on the couch a few nights in the hopes of getting a bit of shut eye so he could function at work.

Poor Molly is in the throws of teething and being on the verge of crawling which apparently makes sleeping impossible. Overall she's pretty happy until about 5pm when the lack of sleep really catches up to her. I am doing the best I can to hold on and can't wait for Aunt Maura and Aunt Kate to show up tomorrow to give some much needed help.
Despite the lack of sleep, she still has a good time with her big sis Delaney.
She was having a lot of fun bouncing around.

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