Monday, February 1, 2010


Molly is on the move but she is not crawling per se, she is moving backwards! She gets on the floor and pushes herself backwards. She seems to enjoy herself and can really cover some ground when she wants to, especially on the hardwood floor.
Here she is in action. Her next move is to drop to her chest, move her hands back and then straighten out her arms while pushing her body backwards. It's pretty funny to watch actually.
Here is the little beauty smiling away.
We joined a program called Farm 2 Table where we get locally grown organic fruits and vegetables twice a month. This is a sampling of our first weeks haul. Since I am making all of Molly's food, I thought it would be worth going the extra mile and getting the best stuff possible. Molly didn't get much out of this batch, just the squash, but little by little, she'll start eating it all.
You can really see Molly's two teeth these days when she's laughing or screaming. I attempted to get a picture of them and came out with a lot of pictures of her tongue and this one, it's the only one where the teeth are actually somewhat visible. She has a new one sprouting up top that should be arriving in a week or so. I'll keep you posted.

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