Monday, February 1, 2010

Sunday in the Park

The rain has finally let up and we had a beautiful day on Sunday so we took advantage and walked over to a local park.
Molly didn't have much of a reaction going down the many slides. First we sent her down on her back, then she went down in daddy's lap. I think she didn't know what was going on.
She did, however, like sitting at the end of the slide and standing up holding onto it so that's a start I guess.
We were bummed to discover that they didn't have the basket baby swings, so Molly had to sit on our laps. She seemed more interested in the girl on the next swing who was having a lot of fun counting off her swings.
Molly is sitting up like a champ these days and really seems to enjoy the view.
She can also lean down to reach for things and then sit back up without falling over. Exciting stuff.

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