Monday, April 26, 2010

Doggie Door

It was inevitable that Molly would some day find Blue's doggie door and now that day has come. She is totally in awe of the thing and really likes to explore its reflection and movement.
She likes to pull herself up and push her hand through the door, this usually makes her laugh a lot.
Sometimes I go on the other side of the door to play which really cracks her up.
There was an unfortunate doggie door incident last week while I was at work. Molly was playing with the doggie door as usual, but at the same time, Blue came inside. Sadly, this knocked an unsuspecting Molly to the ground. Blue was apologetic and had his tail between his legs while cowering under the table even though it wasn't his fault. Thankfully Molly was much more scared than hurt. I said to John, well at least this will end her fascination with the doggie door. "No, she went right back to it as soon as I put her down!" he replied. She is one tough little baby.

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