Saturday, April 10, 2010

Trip to Hilton Head, SC

We just returned from a great trip to Hilton Head, SC to spend time with John's parents and sister Gayle. We swam each day and had beautiful weather, but mostly, we enjoyed time together.
Here we are at The Cypress where John's parents live. This was taken outside of the dining room in front of the enormous bird cage. There were a dozen or so beautiful birds flying around in their home behind us.
Meeting Grandma Ruth for the first time.
They became fast friends.
Enjoying the ribbon after opening a christening present.
Molly's first introduction to her grandfather George. They hit it off immediately.
Sizing each other up.
Molly loves standing these days and pulls herself up like a champ.
Don't let this face fool you, she had a great time with Grandpa George.
It was actually grandpa's idea to put Molly in this basket and giver her rides around the room. She loved it!
Here is a shot in front of a fountain on the impressive grounds of the Cypress.
Molly is thinking of auditioning for The Rockettes this winter.
The Christiansen's drove down from Aiken and we met up for a delicious meal in Bluffton. It was so nice to catch up with them and see how much they are enjoying their retirement.
After dinner we took a walk around Old Bluffton and ended up on this dock right before the sun set.
Hanging out with Aunt Gayle in her beautiful home in Bluffton. Thanks for putting us up and for putting up with us Gayle!
Palling around with Grandpa George.
They had a lot of fun together.
John's favorite restaurant logo was the Crazy Crab for obvious reasons.
We went to the top of the lighthouse in Sea Pines, a resort town on HH Island.
Our first attempt at a self portrait was a bit of a failure.
The second attempt worked out somewhat better.
Ruth, John and Gayle walking around Sea Pines. When they lived here in the 70's, they were one of the only houses around, now it is an overdeveloped haven for tourists. All the same, it was a beautiful place and a nice way to spend the day.
Some of the local wildlife. Here is one of the alligators that lives at the Cypress. We saw him or someone who looked just like him almost every day.
This is an Osprey that we spotted in its nest not far from John's parent's house.
Our goodbye lunch was in honor of Gayle's birthday which is Sunday.
Molly loves the outdoors and really enjoys being able to support herself without our help.
On the bow of the boat.
Molly loved playing with Grandma Ruth's hat.
A parting family shot.

It was such a beautiful week. Thank you Geroge, Ruth and especially Gayle for being such a great host, tour guide and chauffeur.

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