Saturday, May 29, 2010


Molly also enjoys some quiet time with a good book!
Nicole Hayes sent us this adorable frog onesie and it has quickly become one of my favorite things to put on Molly.
She's gotten pretty good at turning the pages of the book.
She's getting so big! Her first birthday is just around the corner.
She also loves to look out the window onto the backyard.
Seriously getting into the storyline.

Play Time!

Molly plays hard these days and is getting into everything. Her favorite thing to do though is to crawl over to the benches, pull out her toy bins and empty everything out.
This is the aftermath of only two bins being emptied out.
"Ah, come on, there's got to be more in here somewhere!"
She really enjoys her playtime and has become quite adept at making a huge mess.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Snarky Remarks

Got this e-mail recently.

"Just checking out your blog,
'Is this the face of a troublemaker or is it just me?'

Of course she has the face of a troublemaker, SHE LOOKS JUST LIKE HER MOTHER !!!!!!"

First Blood and Feedings

We were in a friend's back yard for a graduation party yesterday and Molly slipped while crawling on uneven pavement and scraped her lip. It is a pretty light scratch, but it was the first time she bled from an injury so it was sad.
You can see the scrape on top of her lip, poor Molly!
It doesn't seem to bother her too much though,
and she's still just as beautiful!
"Hello and welcome to Molto Molly, this is my restaurant."
"I will make you a nice, spicy meatball. You will love it, it's delicious"
"Mwah, we only use the finest ingredients. Muy delicioso!"
"No, we don't give out any doggie bags here,"
"we go right to the customer."
"Excuse me sir, your food is ready."
"Mmm, drooly Cheerios, you read my mind," Blue dog.
"Yeah, another satisfied customer! We are very happy to please."
"I hope you had a nice time. It was good to see you, come back soon."
Delaney had a sleepover with her friends Ema and Monica and naturally things got a "little" silly. Everyone was having a good time until...
the evil troll came to ruin the day!

Friday, May 14, 2010

What Molly's Up to These Days

If you can believe it, Molly turns ten months old on the 15th so I thought I'd catch you up on what she likes to do these days.
One of her favorite things to do by far is to go to shelves and pull everything out. Here she is pulling out all of Daddy's CD's and DVD's, an activity she really enjoys. If you look in the background to the left you can see the string Mommy foolishly thought would keep her out of the cabinets. It didn't take Molly too much time to show Mommy just how wrong she was.
A close second to books, CD's and DVD's is pots and pans. She is so quick these days that I couldn't even get a picture of her in action. As soon as she saw me lining up the camera she took off towards me and was almost out of frame by the time I snapped the photo. I like how this picture captures the turmoil she leaves in her wake although this one is quite tame.
Molly is standing a lot these days on her own but I haven't been able to get a photo because as soon as she realizes she's standing on her own, she falls over. Here she is leaning on the couch with the blocks Aunt Maura got her tossed around the back. She is still a big fan of the blocks.
This picture is Molly halfway up my leg. Pulling up to standing on my leg is something Molly does countless times during the day. It is adorable and rather endearing, but it is also quite an impediment when you are trying to get anything done and makes cooking virtually impossible.
Another recent favorite activity is sneaking into her sisters room and getting her hands on anything she can before she is discovered. This time I busted her before she even made it inside, a real bummer for her! Look at that face, it's like she's saying, "What? I wasn't gonna do anything!"

Visit with Ronan

Molly was happy to see her buddy Ronan after a few months. Ronan is six months old these days and is just adorable.
Here he is enjoying Molly's bouncer.
Molly loves her bouncy too. Is this the face of a troublemaker or is it just me?
What a happy girl.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Standing and Clapping

So I finally took the time to figure out how to post a video! Here is Molly standing and clapping, two things she likes to do a lot these days.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fun with Tights

Molly is a really happy girl these days and likes to play a lot of games.
I decided to try the classic tights on the head gag. At first she was a bit distracted and didn't really seem to care much about her new hat.
Eventually she realized what was going on and did her best to get it off. At first it took a sec, but soon she was getting them off in no time flat.
It was all in good fun and Molly really seems to enjoy playing along.

Science Fair Project

This year Delaney decided to see if 9 month old babies prefer Red Hook or Budweiser for her science fair project. Molly was happy to be a part of the experiment.

Unfortunately Molly got so drunk that she wasn't able to communicate any usable data to Delaney so she had to test if people could tell the difference between tap water and bottled water instead.
Turns out only 40% of people could identify the tap water and the cheap bottled water got a lower taste rating than the tap water. However the expensive "artesian" water got the highest taste rating by far. Maybe it is worth paying for after all.

Number One Cheerleader

Molly has been to all of Delaney's games this season and loves to sit in the sun and watch her big sister play soccer.
She also likes eating markers on the sidelines.

Here is Delaney in action.
How the heck did she end up all alone and how did this ball end up so high?