Monday, May 17, 2010

First Blood and Feedings

We were in a friend's back yard for a graduation party yesterday and Molly slipped while crawling on uneven pavement and scraped her lip. It is a pretty light scratch, but it was the first time she bled from an injury so it was sad.
You can see the scrape on top of her lip, poor Molly!
It doesn't seem to bother her too much though,
and she's still just as beautiful!
"Hello and welcome to Molto Molly, this is my restaurant."
"I will make you a nice, spicy meatball. You will love it, it's delicious"
"Mwah, we only use the finest ingredients. Muy delicioso!"
"No, we don't give out any doggie bags here,"
"we go right to the customer."
"Excuse me sir, your food is ready."
"Mmm, drooly Cheerios, you read my mind," Blue dog.
"Yeah, another satisfied customer! We are very happy to please."
"I hope you had a nice time. It was good to see you, come back soon."
Delaney had a sleepover with her friends Ema and Monica and naturally things got a "little" silly. Everyone was having a good time until...
the evil troll came to ruin the day!

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