Friday, May 14, 2010

What Molly's Up to These Days

If you can believe it, Molly turns ten months old on the 15th so I thought I'd catch you up on what she likes to do these days.
One of her favorite things to do by far is to go to shelves and pull everything out. Here she is pulling out all of Daddy's CD's and DVD's, an activity she really enjoys. If you look in the background to the left you can see the string Mommy foolishly thought would keep her out of the cabinets. It didn't take Molly too much time to show Mommy just how wrong she was.
A close second to books, CD's and DVD's is pots and pans. She is so quick these days that I couldn't even get a picture of her in action. As soon as she saw me lining up the camera she took off towards me and was almost out of frame by the time I snapped the photo. I like how this picture captures the turmoil she leaves in her wake although this one is quite tame.
Molly is standing a lot these days on her own but I haven't been able to get a photo because as soon as she realizes she's standing on her own, she falls over. Here she is leaning on the couch with the blocks Aunt Maura got her tossed around the back. She is still a big fan of the blocks.
This picture is Molly halfway up my leg. Pulling up to standing on my leg is something Molly does countless times during the day. It is adorable and rather endearing, but it is also quite an impediment when you are trying to get anything done and makes cooking virtually impossible.
Another recent favorite activity is sneaking into her sisters room and getting her hands on anything she can before she is discovered. This time I busted her before she even made it inside, a real bummer for her! Look at that face, it's like she's saying, "What? I wasn't gonna do anything!"

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