Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Budding Artist

Molly loves to hang out with her big sister and buddies these days. Whatever the girls are doing, she wants in. The girls are good sports and usually let her tag along and join in the fun.
Molly recently discovered that when she drags colored pencils or crayons on paper, it leaves a mark. This is a monumental discovery and one she enjoys exploring.
She has a great time and loves to change the colors every once in a while to keep it interesting. Of course, I think this means she is an artistic genius just like her sister Delaney.
Contemplating the direction for the piece. If you notice, a marker somehow slipped into her hands. I didn't take a picture of the "after" but needless to say her face, shirt and hands were as colorful as her paper.
Molly and the girls after their "makeovers".

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