Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Ball Pitt

I put Molly in the ball pitt even though she did not meet the minimum height requirement since no one was around. After taking a few minutes to figure out how to walk around she started to really have a good time. It didn't take long before she was kicking and throwing balls around and yucking it up.
As always, she wanted to share the excitement with Mom and loved watching me throw and kick the balls across the pit.
Some day Molly, some day.
After all the excitement, it was fun to kick back with Mario and have some tasty Jamba Juice.
A random picture from another trip to Grant Elementary to see Daddy. Molly loves being the center of attention and the kids love seeing her. I can hardly get into the building these days without hearing screams of "Molly! Molly!" and having kids run over to say hi and give high fives. It's great.

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