Monday, November 15, 2010

Sixteen Candles

Molly is sixteen months today and her personality is really shining through these days. So far, she is a tough, single minded, sometimes stubborn little girl who is quick to smile, is a sucker for daddy's pratfalls, and loves to be around people, especially other kids. She also loves to put on everyone's shoes and parade around the room, or as far as she can get. She loves to read and spends a lot of time thumbing through pages talking to the images in front of her. Speaking of speaking she is still not saying much. "Blue" of course is her first word, then there's "woo-woo" which is usually said in a robust voice with a pudgy finger thrust in the direction of any type of animal, especially dogs. She says something that resembles bird and recently added "bye-bye" accompanied by a wave that is absolutely adorable.

Molly is fearless and loves to run around, wrestle, play with dogs, go down slides, go in the swing, and climb up stairs. She really loves running across that wobbly bridge thing they have at parks. The first few times we ran together with her in front holding both of my hands, then I walked alongside her holding one hand, finally, she let go and started running by herself. There was no stopping her. I was so happy to see her running back and forth thoroughly enjoying herself. She's pretty amazing.

Pushing strollers is also a big love of hers although she gets mad and stops pushing the cart if you hold the handle to help guide. Then she pushes your hand off before she will continue pushing the stroller. Ineviteably, she will begin to run the stroller into a wall, or a person or whatever and I need to grab it. Then she stops, pushes my hand off, and the cycle starts again. As you can guess, it takes us a long time to get from place to place this way, but Molly seems to really have a good time and is getting pretty good with the stroller.

Molly also loves her older siblings and their rooms. Whenever Delaney leaves her door open it's like the gates of heaven have been opened to her and she is immediately drawn to it. It's strange, but it seems like no matter where she is in the house, or what she is doing, she can always sense when the door is not closed. The tv can be on in the living room with music on in the kitchen while she's playing, but if I put laundry on Delaney's bed, I turn around and there's Molly wide eyed looking around at the bounty before her not knowing where to begin. It's pretty funny really and I can't blame her, Delaney has a cool room.

Well, that's the update on our amazing little Molly. I still have a ton of pictures to post including the trip to New York and Halloween. I need to get on it!

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