Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Delaney's Birthday and Kate's Visit

It's hard to believe, but Delaney turned twelve on November 3rd. We celebrated with this delicious chocolate cake with buttercream frosting topped off with a huge mound of strawberries. It was a new recipe and was very well received. I have a feeling I will be making many more of these cakes in the future. It's hard to believe I met Delaney when she was only three! I am so happy to be her step mother and so proud of the person she is becoming.
The birthday girl! Molly is pretty focused on the cake, or is it the candles?
Delaney and the girls opening the gifts as the dogs look on.
We had a great, but short, visit from Katie who was in town for work. Unfortunately, these shots of Katie and Molly saying goodbye at the airport are the only pictures I took.
Parting is such sweet sorrow... a final hug and smile. See you again after Christmas Aunt Katie!

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