Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Ah, the hippy costume, a classic. I'm glad to see these are still a hot Halloween costume. I remember how much I used to like to dress as a hippy during spirit week in high school for 50's and 60's day. Delaney couldn't decide between a zombie or a hippy so I was pushing for a zombie hippy costume and came up with great lines like, "Peace, love and BRAINS!!!", but in the end she went with a hippy.
Molly and I crashed John's Halloween classroom party and had a lot of fun. The parents went all out and made some amazing food. Then all the kids marched in the Halloween parade. Yes, that is a second grader dressed as Micheal Myers in the front row!
I think Molly was a little freaked out by the costumes. She usually ditches me when we get to John's school because she gets so much attention from everyone else, but this day, she stayed close to me and didn't want to go to anyone else but daddy. Looking at the girl on the left, I can understand why Molly would be a little freaked out!
Our masterpieces. First is Delaney's scared pumpkin grabbing his face, then my swamp monster, John showed his support for the Giants and Darby opted for a scary Jack-O-Lantern.
It is impossible to keep Molly away from shoes these days. She loves to try to get her feet into any size, type, or style of shoe, she is not picky. Her favorites though are Delaney's slippers because they stay on her feet the longest. She takes a lot of time to balance herself so that she can get her foot or feet into the shoe, no easy task for a toddler. She is very serious about the procedure, and then loves herself once she had completed the task. Here she is showing her pride at getting into one of my slippers while she was getting ready for bed on Halloween.
Molly absolutely loved opening the top of the pumpkins and taking out the candles (thank god for flame less candles!), then putting the top back on, then taking the top off again, putting the candle back in and putting the top back on again. She must have repeated this procedure five or six times with each pumpkin before we could get out of or into the house.
This is our neighbor Verna who carved this amazing Tim Lincecum pumpkin. It took her two days and a lot of time, but it looked awesome. I dubbed it Lincepumpkin and it might be what helped lead the Giants to a World Series victory.
My favorite little duck flapping her wings.
Trick or treating at Verna's. We didn't really take Molly trick or treating this year, instead we let her greet our visitors. We did give her a piece of candy or two which she thoroughly enjoyed so it was a great Halloween.

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