Saturday, December 18, 2010

Dog Park

A friend recently e-mailed these pictures of John and Molly up at the dog park. Molly and John walk Blue up here every afternoon and it is our neighborhood's hidden jewel. There are views of the city skyline, Golden Gate Bridge, Mt. Tamalpais and the Bay, it is truly gorgeous and the sunsets are phenomenal, but the best thing about having an off leash park in walking distance is how much of a community there is at the park. Most people know each other and live within walking distance, so we get to know neighbors we might not otherwise.

Of course Molly and Blue are celebrities at the park. Any time I walk Molly everyone stops to say hello to her and check in on her progress. She loves all the attention, especially from the dogs. A lot of the time Molly carries Blue's leash and she seems quite proud to do it, it is adorable. Molly really loves spending this special time with Daddy every afternoon and I am so glad someone got some pictures of them during their daily ritual.

Make sure you click on the second picture to see the expression on her face.

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