Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Tree Trimming

It was an exciting Christmas this year with Molly. She loved all of the holiday lights on houses, the festive music and, of course, the tree! It is magical to experience Christmas again for the first time through Molly and remember how beautiful and exciting a time of year it is. Thank you Molly for reminding me how lucky we are and to appreciate all that we have.
Molly loves to be a part of everything and was so excited to help hang decorations.
Everyone was getting in on the action, except for Darby that is. In true teenager form, he ate pancakes and slipped back into bed when we got busy trimming the tree. He did make an appearance, but it was long after the camera went away.
Molly was mesmerized! Sadly the bottom half of our tree still looks like this because all of our decorations are crammed onto the top two thirds of the tree out of the way of chubby little fingers!

Topping it all off! Delaney and I bought this tree topper in Orient Point over the summer so we were excited to see how it would look.

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