Saturday, January 22, 2011

Christmas At Last!

We just returned from a long trip so these pictures feel very old but it was such a great Christmas that I needed to post pictures. We visited the Christmas Carousel at Tilden Park which has been a family tradition for years, then we baked Christmas cookies for all our friends and neighbors, and of course, we topped it all off by opening lots of presents.

Molly made a friend watching the train.
Looking at all of the lights is always a lot of fun.

Our tree looks a little barren on the bottom because Molly kept taking off all of the ornaments. They sought safety at higher levels.
I could not turn my back for a second without turning back around to see Molly diving into a fresh batch of cookies. I guess she was our quality inspector.
And she took her job very seriously!
We wrapped up our cookies in colorful paper and put them in decorated bags for our friends and neighbors. Each bag had samplings of our homemade fudge, Hershey kiss cookies, peanut butter cookies, chocolate chip cookies and, of course, sugar cookies.
Delaney and I were partners this year and she was a big help taking full control over two recipes!
Christmas morning present opening was fun. Molly decided to model Delaney's gift immediately and she looked great.
Everyone was happy to open gifts, even Ginny got in on the action and she's Jewish!
Delaney's enormous PJs.
Molly was a great helper, I would give her a present for Darby or Deleany and she would happily walk it over to them. After she got her own gift though, and realized how fun it was to tear open presents, she started trying to open all the presents herself and I lost my helper.

Blue dog was pretty pooped after all the excitement.

Molly's favorite gift!

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