Saturday, January 22, 2011

New York Trip

So after spending a week in South Carolina, poor John headed back to work and Molly and I headed off to three weeks in New York. We had a great time and Molly loved playing with her cousins, aunts and uncles. We had a great time in Washington D.C. celebrating Nana's 70th birthday a little early. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera charger so most of the pics from our trip are on my moms camera. Here is a small offering of our epic trip to New York.
On the way to Maura's birthday luncheon. She had just woken up and got the tag team change/dress from Aunt Katie and I so this was probably only five minutes after waking up. We loved the groggy/crusty face and couldn't resist taking some pictures.
Not a happy camper!
She perked up as soon as the birthday girl arrived! Love this picture.
We were lucky enough to get a few snow storms while we were visiting New York. Thanks to Luke and Barbabra for letting us borrow some of Finn's old snow clothes.
Going for a walk in the snow with Nana. This is the last time we saw the hat and gloves.
Pops taught Molly what became her favorite trick.
Where's Molly?
The sneak attack from the upper left hand corner was always a favorite move.
Contemplating with Nana after a nap.
Meg with local celebrity Ed Heinsohn. Great job Ed, keep it up!
With Jeannie and Aine.
Wearing Great Aunt Barbara's sequenced Mickey Mouse slippers - a bit hit!
At the Foldy's playing with cousin William.
Molly and William became fast friends and bonded over lunch. It was fun to see them playing together.
William is really starting to look like his dad these days.
Katie's bowling team after Paddie Mo and I rooted them on to victory.
Now everyone switch places!
Patrick giving his team some pointers.
Heinsohn even stopped by to join in the fun.
A parting shot before putting Katie in a cab, she wasn't feeling very well but was a real trooper and held it together like a champ.
Checking out Nana and Pop's backyard one last time before heading to the airport.
Upon arriving home, Molly saw, and immediately loved, her Christmas present from Nana and Pops. Thank you!
Molly reading a book in her new favorite spot.

It was such a lovely visit! Thank you so much to my family for being so great. Special thanks to Luke and Barbara for hosting a lovely dinner and of course my parents for all the meals and fun. Molly misses you a lot!

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