Saturday, January 22, 2011

New Years in South Carolina

After celebrating Christmas in California, John, Molly and I headed off to South Carolina to see John's mom and sister Gayle. We had a lot of fun, ate a lot, visited Beauford, went swimming and had a great New Years Eve celebration. Unfortunately Molly and John were both sick, but we didn't let it spoil our fun. It was so nice to see the family and we had a great visit overall.
Molly opening some presents with a little help from Dad.

Enjoying the beautiful weather in Aunt Gayle's backyard.

On the way to lunch with Grandma. If you look over Ruth's right shoulder you can see a blue heron, one of the many beautiful perks of the area.
Our New Years Eve Extravaganza! The food was delicious, it's too bad John didn't feel well enough to enjoy it. Thanks again to Ruth and Gayle for being great hostesses and taking such good care of us during our stay.

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