Saturday, December 11, 2010

Mama's Little Helper

Molly loves to help out these days. Although her help is usually not particularly helpful, I love to watch her try to figure everything out. Mostly I love to see her pride when she finishes a task. She is so pleased with her accomplishment and is positively beaming when she is able to do something for herself. Here she is helping me bring in some bags after we went grocery shopping.
One bag isn't enough for Molly, she likes to push herself.
Oops, there go the eggs! It's not always easy, but she is a determined little critter and doesn't give up so easily.
Of course, everyone needs a break now and then. Good thing she has Blue dog to help boost her energy before the long trip inside.
Molly flipped over this classic toy. She is a bit of a daredevil on it and rides with reckless abandon.
It is so incredible to watch Molly changing every day. She is definitely not a baby anymore and as sad as that makes me, I am so proud of how she is growing. I realize how lucky I am to be able to be home with her every day and watch her transform before my eyes. I love Molly more and more each day and cannot wait to see what happens tomorrow!

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