Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Last Round of Catch Up!

Yeah! After this I am caught up on all the pictures that I have downloaded. It was a lot! Molly is doing great and is finally sleeping better which is a huge relief. Molly is such an amazing little person and I am looking forward to all the new changes this next year will bring.
This was at the Giants / Mets game. It was the only one the Mets won in the series to avoid the sweep, but they won based on what was later revealed to be a blatantly blown call. I guess when you're a Mets fan you have to take what you can get!
After every home game on Sunday kids are allowed on the field to run the bases. I've done it before with friends kids so this was John's turn.
Molly walked on every base.
And came in for the game winning run!
We also went to visit John's class in summer school. John's kids loved Molly and she loved the attention of course.
One of John's students had a longboard that caught Molly's attention. She had a great time being pushed slowly back and forth across the classroom. It was pretty exciting.
Molly tried a few different positions on the skateboard and was a natural.
Can't turn my back for a second!
She really has fun taking things out of a clean dishwasher and placing them in random piles.
Molly discovered grapes and will never go back!
Molly loves playing in the corner of the living room where the benches meet. She has been spending more and more time there these days.

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