Monday, August 16, 2010

Russian River Valley

John, Molly, Blue and I took a midweek getaway to the beautiful Russian River Valley in Sonoma county last week. We rented a secluded cabin in the woods with a hot tub, a creek in the backyard and beautiful redwoods everywhere.
In the car on the way up, Blue rested his little head on Molly's lap and they both took a nap.
The weather was beautiful and we drove through some cute little towns like Bodega (where "The Birds" was set), Jenner, Monte Vista, Guerneville, Occidental and Sebastapol.
Molly and John also enjoyed the hammock at the cabin.
Molly was so small under all those redwoods.
The view up from the hot tub.
Molly wanted to enjoy some time on the hammock by herself.
Can't really tell, but she has her shoes in her hands in this picture. Wish I had a dollar for every time I had to put the shoes and socks back on!
Molly loves the new game of riding on our shoulders.
Another shot in front of the redwoods.
A parting shot outside before heading home. It was a lovely little last minute trip and just what we needed to finish off the summer.

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