Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Lot of This and That

Molly is so active these days that it's been hard to keep up. Here are some choice shots from the past few weeks.
She loves playing in the backyard.
And seems to love plants and flowers.
She also loves getting into her sister's room. This days bounty was particularly sweet and she came running out squealing with delight, a trophy clenched in each chubby little fist.
Wonder why this didn't rotate? I think you can see how proud she is, even sideways.
Molly and Blue both like to log time at the front door. They like to check out everything that's going on outside.
Waiting for some action.
In one of the cutest outfits ever! Thank you Patty for the "orange ballerina", it's always a big hit.
On the way back from the dog walk park one day, John, Delaney and Molly saw some wild turkeys wandering around our neighborhood. Luckily Delaney was able to catch them on film.
There was a mother and four babies.
Molly's reading has improved greatly since she was diagnosed with infant astigmatism.
She's not happy about having to wear glasses and says all the other kids call her "four eyes!"

Disclaimer: Attention Rosalie, this is a joke. We merely put John's glasses on Molly one night and snapped some pictures. I assure you, she does not have astigmatism nor does she need glasses.

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