Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Twelve Month Checkup

Even though she was already thirteen months old, Molly had her twelve month checkup last week and here are the stats. She weighs an impressive 23 lbs, 4 oz. which is in the 75th percentile. She is 29 3/4 inches and her head measures 17 3/4 inches, both in the 50th percentile. The doctor says Molly looks great and is developing beautifully and I couldn't agree more.

She had four shots and took 'em like a champ, she didn't even cry until after the second one and didn't really get upset until the last one which the nurse said was the most painful. She was back to her happy self in no time which was good because she had to get blood drawn. Again, she took it like a champ and recovered quickly. I am so proud of my strong little girl. Keep it up Molly!
Molly is all over the place these days and is super active! Sitting down is not something she does often. In fact, she usually only stops to eat and occasionally to sleep. These days Molly spends most of her time exploring, she also loves to give kisses and hugs to Blue, dig in the dirt (like grandma), taste the dirt every once in a while, (like Aunt Kate!), gather, collect, give away, take back and play with rocks, sit in boxes (extra bonus if she gets to empty them out first), scrunch up her face and laugh showing off her teeth (one of my personal favorites), put things in piles or group items in different areas of the house (missing toys turn up inside pots and pans!), take off her socks and shoes or some combination of socks and shoes, lean back on a pillow with a book and "read" (another one of my personal favorites especially because she sits in the same corner of the couch where John sits to read), grab the fat rolls on her chest and stomach when she's not wearing a shirt (love this too, especially because she usually starts laughing hysterically), begging to get into the shower with mom and dad (she loves it!), carrying around purses or buckets and filling them up/emptying them out at random, feeding herself (for some time now we have only occasionally been permitted to feed her), and generally charming the pants off of everyone we meet.

Molly is such an amazing little girl and I feel happier every day that I get to spend with her. I am left wondering what this year will bring for Molly and look forward to all the new discoveries we will make together each day.

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