Monday, August 30, 2010

Tamiko's Birthday

So, I watched one too many episodes of Ace of Cakes and volunteered to make a birthday cake for my friends surprise 40th birthday party. Considering I have never done anything like this before, I think it came out pretty good.
For Tamiko, I made a Japanese Green Tea sponge cake with home made whipped cream and fresh strawberry filling. It was delicious! Since Tamiko and Matt met while they were both living in Hawaii I decorated the cake in a Hawaiin theme.
My favorite part of the cake by far was the sugar Tamiko hula dancer on the volcano. It took over three hours to make and I was so proud of how it turned out. Tamiko froze this piece of cake and said she will save it to eat on her 50th birthday!
A close up of some of the sugar work. I think I did a good job replicating the picture I found.
The party was great and Molly had a lot of fun. Thanks to Hannah for being such a great companion and taking such good care of Molly.

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