Monday, August 2, 2010

Prequel - Aptos Beach, Ronan's Visit, and Random Shots

Yikes, it has been a while and so much has happened. I am sorry it has taken so long for me to post and I have a lot of material to go through so I'm starting with a quick recap of everything that happened before our trip to NY. I posted all the NY pics immediately and left out Molly's first trip to the beach at Aptos, Molly's Bon Voyage visit with Ronan and some other random shots. Enjoy. I hope to get back on track with posting soon.
My old roommate Annaliese stopped by with her son Ronan to say goodbye before moving to the east coast. It was a nice visit, but I am sad to see them go. Ronan was very interested in Blue.
He and Molly had a good time playing with her musical toy.
And playing with each other's faces!

Goodbye Annaliese, David and Ronan. Good luck in Massachusetts!
This was the day Molly discovered the toilet paper roll in the bathroom. This was what she had left on her by the time she crawled into the living room. You should have seen the hallway.
Enjoying the bells at story time.
Checking out vinyl with Daddy.
"So Molly, how you can tell if a record is a reissue is ..."
Our lovely trip to Aptos, CA. We are lucky enough to be friends with Amy Kurzer whose brother lives not far from Santa Cruz and needs an occasional dog sitter. The whole Pitts clan headed down for a few days in the sand and sun. Molly loved her first time at the beach.
Exploring the sand with her feet before heading to the water.
Molly really enjoyed the whole experience and basked in the sand sun and water.
Taking off Mommy's glasses was still a favorite game, for her.

Like Aunt Kate, she enjoys eating dirt and sand or sampling it at least.
Molly wasn't the only one who had a great time at the beach!
Making things out of sand is always exciting.
Here are Darby, Kelin, Delaney, and Dylan enjoying the cold waves.

Testing the water. Molly had a great time in the water and even tried to crawl into the surf a few times. It was a lot of fun to watch her kicking around in the water laughing.
Everyone pitched in to dig the hole.

Thank you so much Amy and family for the great weekend!

RIP Jake

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